Last Updated: Oct 10, 2024, 02:19 PM

Southern Illinois University of Public Safety Rev. 2015-11-17
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What To Do During an Emergency
- Go to lowest level interior hallway
- Take personal belongings, a radio and flashlight
- Stay away from exterior windows and doors
- If outdoors, shelter in a ditch
- Help others and wait for the all clear signal
- Assist anyone in need
- Do not use elevators
- Pull fire alarm on your way out
- Call 911
- If trapped, keep door closed and seal the base; open window to signal for help
- Get under a desk or sit or kneel against an interior wall and cover yourself
- Beware of broken glass and other debris
- Call 911 to report injuries or building damage
- Help others and evacuate when it is safe
- Do not use elevators
- Be aware of falling debris as you exit
Hazardous Spills/Chemicals
- CALL 911
- Provide type of chemical and possible exposures
- Evacuate area
- If chemical comes in contact: remove contaminated clothing, rinse eyes with water for at least 15 minutes, rinse exposed skin with water then wash with soap and water.
- Do not attempt to clean the spill
Active Spills
- CALL 911
- Provide type of chemical and possible exposures
- Evacuate area
- If chemical comes in contact: remove contaminated clothing, rinse eyes with water for at least 15 minutes, rinse exposed skin with water then wash with soap and water.
- Do not attempt to clean the spill
Active Shooter
- CALL 911
- Try to safely escape area
- If it is not safe, go to nearest room and lock or barricade doors
- Cover windows, turn off lights, keep quiet, silence cellphones
- Fight back as a last resort
- Remain in place until authorities arrive
- Learn more about surviving an active shooter situation
Bomb Threat
- If threat is by phone, hold phone line open; do not hang up
- Use another line to call 911 if possible
- If threat written or posted, call 911 immediately
- Notify building safety person to evacuate building